Differentiated Instruction
for Educators
Differentiated instruction is effective instruction. At ASAP®
that's what we do. Support your educators the same way you
support your students, with differentiated instruction using
ASAP assessments, course modules, online forums and features.
Subscription Pricing LEARN MORE Get unlimited access to all Accelerated
School Administrator Program (ASAP®)
resources for your school or district with an
ASAP Annual Subscription. High-quality PD
courses & assessments at an affordable price.
ASAP Annual Subscription
Case Studies ASAP® case studies are aligned to
standards and proficiency areas. Assign
a combination of case studies and
assessments for a more complete
understanding of the strengths and
needs of your school leaders.
LEARN MORE Case Studies
ASAP® Catalog
Now Available
The ASAP® catalog includes information on the
standards-based ASAP® course modules, as
well as the ASAP® assessments, workbooks, case
studies & academies. Download your free copy:
Looking for
Teacher Resources?
Teacher Essentials®, brought to you by ASAP
Elearning, has free classroom resources, videos
& animations with registration, as well as 80
premium courses for best practices. District-
wide All Access Subscriptions are available.

Our purpose is to provide effective, high-quality, research and standards-based resources for school district professional development activities that help educators improve their mastery.

ASAP® program components include:

Click on each tab below to explore each element

  • ASAP Course Modules

    ASAP Course Modules

    Choose from 20 online course modules containing over 300 clock hours of content. Modules are available for credit for certification and recertification. They can be assigned individually based on professional learning plans or at the cohort level to fulfill district initiatives in specific dimensions.

    Access to all 20 ASAP course modules is included in an ASAP Annual Subscription.

    Learn More
  • Educational Leadership Assessment (ELA)

    Educational Leadership Assessment (ELA)

    A series of assessments in the dimensions aligned to the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders that provide data to professional development leaders on the competencies and proficiencies of their cohorts and participants.

    Access to the ELA is included in an ASAP Annual Subscription.

    Learn More
  • ASAP InBasket

    InBasket Simulator

    A “day in the life” experience assessing the proficiency levels of aspiring and current school leaders in the leadership domains that pertain to a school’s instructional program, culture, stakeholder engagement and human capital management.

    Access to all 5 InBasket assessments is included in an ASAP Annual Subscription.

    Learn More
  • ASAP Workbooks

    ASAP Workbooks

    ASAP® Workbooks are available for professional development and school leadership programs for K-12 educators. Each workbook consists of four chapters of study and activities, which can be broken out weekly or monthly, culminating with a project or presentation to be shared at a group learning event. There are currently 15 titles available. Purchase them individually or save 30% when you buy the entire library.

    Access to all 15 ASAP Workbooks is included in an ASAP Annual Subscription.

    Learn More
  • ReviewingFile-547

    School Leader Case Studies

    Each case study is aligned to specific provincial standards and proficiency areas. District administrators are provided with a conceptual framework, a table of standards alignments, and a scoring rubric.

    Case Studies can be used to provide a more complete picture of a participant’s areas of strength and need. ASAP Case studies help students explore how what they have learned applies in real life situations.

    Access to all 16 ASAP Case Studies is included in an ASAP Annual Subscription.

    Learn More
  • ASAP Academies

    ASAP Academy

    ASAP Academies provide continuous professional development for individuals, school-based teams, and school leaders. They are typically delivered at the district level to enhance best practices and improve learning outcomes.

    Typical components include mentors for local school teams and an online learning community for dialogue and feedback. Each academy experience is customized in consultation with district leaders and content is focused on district-specific goals.

    Learn More

Why Choose ASAP Elearning?

Save Time & Money

Better professional development learning results with standards-based assessments and content.

Built for Everyone

All you need is an intelligent device (PC, tablet, iPad, Smartphone) and the Internet for anywhere, anytime access.

Free Human Support

17 years of building custom programs and delivering ASAP content and our greatest praise is still for our human support.


If you need something adapted, amended, or created specifically for your needs, blended learning is what we do.

Flexible, Mobile and Convenient

Comprehensive, for-credit professional development designed with ease of access in mind

  • Fully responsive tools that work great on computer screens and most mobile devices.
  • Access your learning content anytime, and anywhere you have an Internet connection.
  • Some content is downloadable so you can plan to work offline.
  • Assessment reports provide detailed insight into strengths and areas for development.
  • InBasket simulator user reports are available immediately upon completion.
  • All content is standards based, designed to meet Professional Standards for Educational Leaders, NSDC and state standards.
  • Content qualifies for clock hour credit for CEU, PIL and other state level certification standards.

Works on all devices

  • Dr. Sonji Leach
    Dr. Sonji Leach, Richland School District 1

    The assessments were on point. It was almost unreal how spot on they are. They picked up on what I thought I already knew about the people and revealed the areas they need to work on…

  • Lynn Wade
    Lynn Wade, Former Supervisor of Management Training for Hillsborough County Schools

    In the past, we paid consultants to come in and assess the participants by observing them in three different situations. This was very cumbersome, time consuming, and expensive. ASAP ELA has saved us many hours of preparation and expense. We have seen a 60% saving with ASAP ELA.

  • Cheryl Joe
    Cheryl Joe, Director of Professional Development for Polk County Public Schools

    We have always enjoyed our relationship with ASAP because we know if we need it, help is just a phone call away. We have always had a great relationship and the program works. It saves us time, it saves us money and we appreciate that.

  • David Larrimore
    David Larrimore, Principal and former ASAP cohort member

    ASAP provides a means to ask your own questions and directs you to the information you need.

  • Cheryl Riggins-Newby
    Cheryl Riggins-Newby, Associate Executive Director for The Leadership Academy and Urban Alliances

    New and aspiring principals will find ASAP to be a quality, fast-track approach to leadership development, with targeted content, research, and references in each module.

  • Angela Prince
    Angela Prince, Program Coordinator for the Houston A+ Challenge

    We were thrilled with the InBasket because of the immediacy of the feedback to the participants. We got specific feedback in different areas. The InBasket made the whole experience so much easier because the scores were so readily available. We found it a very useful tool.

  • Theresa Croteau
    Theresa Croteau, Director of Staff Development for Leon County Schools

    From a program director's point of view, the most exciting element of implementing ASAP has been the flexibility granted to us to adapt the wonderful features of ASAP to our own district and program needs. The technical support has been outstanding. Only three months into implementation, we could already see professional growth in our program participants due to their involvement with ASAP.

  • ASAP participant
    ASAP participant, Polk County, Florida

    This is an excellent program for administrators and aspiring administrators who are new to the district. It provides them with the knowledge and the topics they will be associated with when they go to their schools. It gives them advice and guidance on how to address the diverse topics associated with their job.

The right-click function has been disabled for all ASAP Elearning Solutions assessments.